Backpacks Of Love

The Ft. Bend, Thin Blue Line LE MC chapter assisted Keri Ruggeroli with her pilot project, Backpacks of Love to assist needy families of Ft. Bend with school supplies.  Backpacks

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Back The Blue Ride

Thin Blue Line LE MC supporting Deputy Joel Bello on the Back the Blue Motorcycle Ride and Car Show on July 28, 2019.  Deputy Bello was shot in the line of

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The Patriot Tour

OPERATION ESCORT OLD GLORY COMPLETE July 25, 2019, members Acadia and St Landry chapter of the Thin Blue Line LEMC participated in the Patriot Tour. The tour brings the flag

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Friends Of Sundown Summer Camp

Monday (6/10) and Tuesday (6/11) Ft. Bend Chapter, volunteered to cook for the Friends of Sundown Summer Camp. There were 250+ kids and volunteers to feed – we made hamburgers

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