After the devastating shooting at Santa Fe High School, the Galveston chapter of Thin Blue Line LE MC, coordinated a benefit for the community.
With the help of Relentless Defender Apparel, t-shirts were made and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to the benefit.
On May 25th, a few members of the Galveston Chapter rode to UTMB Galveston to donate blood for the victims of the Santa Fe shooting. We also visited Officer Barnes that was confined in Jeanie Sealy Hospital.
TBL sisters assisting with registration during the Benefit at the Garage in Alvin.
Our TBL Nation President Rico leading the Police Escorted Benefit Ride
On August 24th, we distributed 100% of the proceeds from the ride Benefit totaling $19,724.90 to multiple surviving victims of the Santa Fe tragedy. We could not have done this without the support of our TBL brothers and sisters from all chapters.